How To Request Combo Predictions
Combo slips are prediction slips that contain multiple matches and come with their betting odds.
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Combo slips are prediction slips that contain multiple matches and come with their betting odds.
Last updated
On the AI Predictions page, once you click on the Combo-Prediction slips tab, you will be shown a page with all Combo Slips. You can also view Past Combo Slips and your Unlocked Slips by clicking on the tabs respectively. You can filter the matches using the Filter button, Dates the matches will be played or the Navigation icon.
The Filter button is an important feature because it allows you to filter the Combo slips according to their Risk Level, Minimum Odds, Maximum Matches & Betting Strategies to include or exclude. After inputting your desired parameters, click on Apply filters to show you Combo slips of your choice.
A Combo slip typically contains information such as the Risk Level of the slip, the number of $Balls tokens needed to unlock the slip, the number of Odds, the Strategy being used the start and end dates of the matches. Now let us view the Prediction details of this Combo Slip by simply clicking on View slip details.
Once you click View slip details, the details of the matches are revealed to you then proceed to click Unlock Combo slip.
Once you click on Unlock Combo Slip, the Unlocked slips tab will automatically open and will display the AI prediction results of your chosen combo slip. Click on View Slip Details for more insights generated by the AI Agent.
Once you click on View slip details, you will access further analytics such as the Match Advice and also a Stake Calculator which is an effective tool for estimating potential gains and losses. We also include the Maximum stake amount for the slip, and we do this to ensure users bet responsibly.