How To Create Crypto Pools
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On the Menu options on the left side when signed in, click on Challenge Pools. Alternatively, you can create Challenge pools from the Homepage and Dashboard.
On the Challenge Pool page, click on Create Pool.
Choose Crypto
A page with crypto assets will be shown to you. Choose the crypto asset you would like to create a pool on.
Once you select your crypto asset, you will have to select the Option for the crypto price prediction. Let's assume you select the crypto asset to be Ethereum and the option to be Higher than target then click Continue.
Next step is to enter a Price Target considering the Option you selected in Step 5 and click Continue.
Then enter a fixed date and time which will be used to determine the pool results and click Continue.
A Pool confirmation page will open where you will confirm Yes or No to your prediction. You can also Add More pools to the prediction before proceeding to confirm Yes or No.
Enter your Stake amount and click on Create Pool. Please note that the minimum amount of $Balls required is 100.
A pool creation confirmation will be shown, and you could choose to View transaction or View Pool.
When you click on View Pool, a page with the pool details will open and you can click on Share pool to share the Pool you have created with friends via social media and invite them to join your pool & stake against you!